Rotational Molding

Where a heated hollow mold is filled with a specific amount of resin and then rotated bi-axially in an oven, softening the material to evenly disperse and stick to the walls of the mold. Each rotation, along with the correct speed are critical. In order to maintain an even thickness throughout the part, the mold continues to rotate throughout the heating phase all the way through the cooling phase.
facility photo

Rotational Molding At Bo-Mer

Mold Set

In this video, the mold is being sent into the oven while continuously rotating throughout the entire process.

Hollow Part

Each Rotational Molding process is complete with a robust, lightweight and hollow part.


Rotational Molding Benefits

  • Design flexibility
  • Cost saving in production and molds
  • Great strength and durability
  • Stress free parts
  • Variety of size and textures

Rotational Molding Gallery

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